Getting started =============== Installation ------------ The FOSHttpCache library is available on Packagist_. You can install the library and its dependencies using Composer_: .. code-block:: bash $ composer require friendsofsymfony/http-cache The library relies on HTTPlug_ for sending invalidation requests over HTTP, so you need to install an HTTPlug-compatible client or adapter first: .. code-block:: bash $ composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter You also need a `PSR-7 message implementation`_. If you use Guzzle 6, Guzzle’s implementation is already included. If you use another client, you need to install one of the message implementations. Recommended: .. code-block:: bash $ composer require guzzlehttp/psr7 Alternatively: .. code-block:: bash $ composer require zendframework/zend-diactoros Then install the FOSHttpCache library itself: .. code-block:: bash $ composer require friendsofsymfony/http-cache .. note:: This library follows `Semantic Versioning`_. Except for major versions, we aim to not introduce BC breaks in new releases. Configuration ------------- There are three things you need to do to get started: 1. :doc:`configure your proxy server ` 2. :doc:`set up a client for your proxy server ` 3. :doc:`set up the cache invalidator ` Overview -------- This library mainly consists of: * low-level clients for communicating with a proxy server (Varnish, NGINX and Symfony HttpCache) * a cache invalidator that acts as an abstraction layer for the proxy client * test classes that you can use for integration testing your application against a proxy server. Measures have been taken to minimize the performance impact of sending invalidation requests: * Requests are not sent immediately, but aggregated to be sent in parallel. * You can determine when the requests should be sent. For optimal performance, do so after the response has been sent to the client. .. _Packagist: .. _Composer: .. _PSR-7 message implementation: .. _Semantic Versioning: .. _HTTPlug: